Tuesday 16 July 2013


Yesterday was a busy one with all the passport and map making.

Yesterday the pupils pointed out we needed to make use of our local Farm to help us survive Island life, so today we have been on a trip to Fancy's Farm on Portland.

We had a fantastic if very hot, trip to the farm, really enjoyed meeting all the animals and learning about how we could use these animals to help us become self sufficient.

Sun hats were essential, It was a very hot day!

Some of the animals from Fancy's farm.

Taking Archie the Goat for a walk, he was very very friendly!

 The long walk home, there were a lot of us, Year 2 came as well, but I think you will agree the view on the trip home was very beautiful.

Thanks again for all at Fancy's farm for letting us visit and providing us with a very very enjoyable day. If you haven't visited the farm yet we would recommend a visit!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a lovely day. What a long walk you all had - just as well you had sun hats!
