Wednesday 17 July 2013


Today was the final day of Challenge your mind. We have been looking at how we would be self sufficient on Portland if we became an Island.

Yesterday we visited Fancy's farm and had a great day. However during our initial brain storm we decided that as well as using the local farm we would also need to make use of the coastline surrounding our new Island.

We have spend today producing some fish based art installations. Our classroom now has a very fishy feel about it, an essential part in surviving island life.

Here we all are standing next to some of our fishes. Please excuse our very messy classroom but be reassured we have had a very enjoyable day!

Flying balloon fish in the classroom

Fishing boat picture frames

Stained glass Fishes.

We have had an excellent time working on Challenge your Mind week at IPACA, and look forward to hearing news from other campus sites. Please visit the IPACA website to find out more information.

Tuesday 16 July 2013


Yesterday was a busy one with all the passport and map making.

Yesterday the pupils pointed out we needed to make use of our local Farm to help us survive Island life, so today we have been on a trip to Fancy's Farm on Portland.

We had a fantastic if very hot, trip to the farm, really enjoyed meeting all the animals and learning about how we could use these animals to help us become self sufficient.

Sun hats were essential, It was a very hot day!

Some of the animals from Fancy's farm.

Taking Archie the Goat for a walk, he was very very friendly!

 The long walk home, there were a lot of us, Year 2 came as well, but I think you will agree the view on the trip home was very beautiful.

Thanks again for all at Fancy's farm for letting us visit and providing us with a very very enjoyable day. If you haven't visited the farm yet we would recommend a visit!

Monday 15 July 2013


We have been taking part in a 'challenge your mind' activity this week as have other campuses in IPACA.

We interpreted the task to look at what Portland would be like if we were to become an island, what would we need to survive and how would we cope.

First Job was to make our POrtland passports - I mean if POrtland was going to be an Island we would need our own passports. Pictures were taken (with grumpy faces obviously, they are passport photos) and passports were stamped.

Our next task was a brain storm from the pupils - we decided that shoud portland become an Island, we would be ok for food as we have Tesco's on the island, phew. Oh but wait, what will we do when that runs out of food? Oh the corner shop down the road, perfect, and they have sweets! Ah, but then what happens when they run out? Eventually the children came to the conclusion that we need to think about growing our own food and making use of the farm we have on the Island.

As a starting point we have been making a 3D map of Portland as an Island, identifying all the important parts of the island that we would need. It was messy work but we hope you like the finished masterpiece - and maybe you can to identify some key features of the Island of Portland.

Our 3D map of the Island of Portland

Photo taken from the south end of the island, showing the lighthouse and some of the many fishing board produced, Origami was a big hit!

Thursday 11 July 2013

We have been doing some literacy focussing on all we know about various bugs and insects.

After a brain storm session, thinking of all the best words to describe insects, the children have been playing with which has been great fun.

We have produced some excellent 'word insects' which are currently on display on our classroom wall! We hope you like them!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

We have been playing today with Makey Makey in the classroom today. What fun.

We all loved turning our left over fruit from fruit break into a keyboard, and then making a human keyboard, what a lot of fun.

If you haven't yet used Makey Makey in the classroom or at home we would recommend you get hold of a set and give it a try, such fun had by all!