Wednesday 15 May 2013

A Special Delivery!

Well What a day we have had! It started after playtime when we arrived back into the classroom to find this...

A box, marked Robot repair centre, but not only an empty box, one containing a talking robot! He even knew our names!

After some investigating and interviewing the robot in the box, we found out we had a task to undertake! To design and make a robot to do jobs that happen in school when we aren't there.

We are working in 3 groups to design a Caretaker robot, A Cleaner Robot and a Security Guard Robot. We have made a digital book showing the designs we have produced this afternoon.

Come back soon to see our finished Robots.

Our Caretaker Robot Designs

Our Robot Cleaner designs

Our Robot Security Guard designs.


  1. Your designs are lovely. I especially like all the different legs, including the springs!

    Can't wait to see the finished robots

    Have fun

  2. Wow your Robot designs are great. Are you going to be making them?

  3. Thank you for your comments. We will be making our Robots and will keep you posted with the results.

  4. Your robots look fab, I can't wait to see the ones you make!

    Well done Year 1, really exciting work!

  5. Year one have had great fun again today!

  6. Love your Robot designs, well done all of you. I would love to see them when you have made them, I'm sure you will have great fun
