Friday 24 May 2013

Open Afternoon

Thank you to everyone who came to see our work this afternoon. We have been really proud of all we have produced this half term and were so pleased to be able to celebrate our achievements with family and friends.

We have made a wordle showing what we have learnt studying 'The Things people do'. This has been the first IPC topic we have studied and we have enjoyed working with the IPC.

3D printing...

Today we had a very exciting visitor in our classroom. Mr Spracklen came in to talk to us about all things modelling and 3D printing. What a fab day. We were all very excited and are planning on doing some more work using Google Sketch Up next term. We will keep you posted!

Here's a little thank you to Mr Spracklen for coming in to help us today.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Bringing models to life!

Last week we were very busy modelling our robots but we weren't happy with them, we wanted to do more.

The pupils decided we wanted walking, talking robots so with this in mind we set to work with ouriPads and used an app called 'Morfo'. The children worked completely independently on the iPads.The class got into character with the robots they had worked so very hard to make.

We hope you like the movie we have put together to show all our animations.

Please let us know what you think.

Friday 17 May 2013


Following on from the task set to us by our Robot visitor on Wednesday morning, we have been busy designing our own robots.

We have been working in 3 different groups and we continued this theme to adapt our designs and to produce some super sized robots to carry out jobs around our school - Cleaners, Caretakers and Security Guards.

Everyone worked incredibly hard, adapting and developing ideas, working together to produce some fantastic robots and presenting their final pieces to the rest of the class.

The Building work begins.....

 The Red team with their finished Robot Cleaner, Sparkle

The Blue Team with their finished Robot Security Guard, currently nameless (suggestions please!)

The Greens with their finished Robot Caretaker, Neerg

And here they all are, standing proudly in our classroom!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

A Special Delivery!

Well What a day we have had! It started after playtime when we arrived back into the classroom to find this...

A box, marked Robot repair centre, but not only an empty box, one containing a talking robot! He even knew our names!

After some investigating and interviewing the robot in the box, we found out we had a task to undertake! To design and make a robot to do jobs that happen in school when we aren't there.

We are working in 3 groups to design a Caretaker robot, A Cleaner Robot and a Security Guard Robot. We have made a digital book showing the designs we have produced this afternoon.

Come back soon to see our finished Robots.

Our Caretaker Robot Designs

Our Robot Cleaner designs

Our Robot Security Guard designs.

Monday 13 May 2013

A reminder...

... that the Osprey Quay Campus will be open for viewing on Thursday 16th May for Year 1 and 2 parents at 5.00pm. This is a great chance for you to see the opportunities and space the new building will offer.

We are meeting in the Hall and there will be be a short guided tour of the building and facilities.

We hope to see you there.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Art project

We have been working with Year 2 on Thursday afternoons. The art group have been busy making felt pictures inspired by the art work of Kandinsky.

Here we are with year 2. We hope you like our art work. Keep a lookout for it around the school.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Our Class Assembly

Today was our class assembly. Thank you to everyone who came to watch us, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Waiting for everyone to arrive...

Reading our poetry and telling our audience what we want to be when we grow up, we have very high aspirations from Astronauts and Doctors to Cowboys!

Showing our Dance routines inspired by a visit from Dorset Fire and Rescue services.

 ... and finally here is out assembly song about lots of different jobs, we hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Class Assembly.

A reminder....

... Our class assembly is tomorrow. We hope to see as many of you there at 9.15am tomorrow morning in the hall.