Monday 29 April 2013

Firemen Visit

This week we have been lucky enough to have some very special visitors come into our School.  We had the Firemen from Portland Fire Station come to talk about their jobs and to tell us about Fire safety. The Firemen turned up in their Fire engine and even let us climb in the cabin and try out a few things, what a fantastic day.

We learnt about Fire safety, what do do if there is a fire in our house. "Get out, Stay out!"

We had a competition to see who could get changed the fastest. 
Did you know firemen can get all their safety clothes on in only 5 seconds!
We all had fun trying on Junior Firefighter costumes.


We looked at all the tools and equipment inside a fire engine.

We had lots of fun using the water hose.

Thank you again to all the Firemen from Portland Fire Station who came to visit us today.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Jobs Poetry.

Today we have been writing our own poetry.

We have been adapting a poem and writing about different jobs. A few people have recorded themselves reading about their jobs, we hope you like them.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Guess my job!

This week we had some visitors in our classroom. We spent the afternoon working with Year 2 trying to guess the jobs our visitors have.

We had a fireman visit us, A Checkout assistant from Tesco's and a Stone Mason. We really enjoyed the day and loved finding out more information about the jobs people do.

Thank you to all our visitors.

Monday 15 April 2013

Ways with peas.

This week we have been reading a book called "The Pea and the Princess" by Mini Grey.

We had a fun time exploring different ingredients...

...and created our own recipe book, maybe you would like to try some of our delicious recipes, We hope you like them!